أنت هنا

Edible Oil Company (D) L.L.C.

This is the detailed information about Edible Oil Company (D) L.L.C., including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.

Location Address: Jebel AliDubai
Activity Description: Trading in Edible Oil
Contact Name(s): Souhail Abou Jamra, Mustafa Kamal Khan , Adbullaziz Yaqoob Yousuf Alcircal
صندوق البريد. P.O: 17799
Phone No: 04-8811160
Fax No: 04-8811125
Country of Origin: U.A.E.
الموقع: www.edibleoil-dubai.com