أنت هنا
LMG International
This is the detailed information about LMG International, including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.
Company name: LMG International
Location Address: Jebel AliDubai
Activity Description: Trading in Fashion Garments, Toys, Furniture, Toiletries, Child Care Products, Household Products, Gift Items, Healthcare Products, Watches, Footwear, Stationery and Imitation Jewellery.
Contact Name(s): Vipin Sethi
صندوق البريد. P.O: 17155
Phone No: 04-8817164/8818906
Fax No: 04-8815170
Email 1: [email protected]
Email 2: [email protected]
Country of Origin: India