أنت هنا

National Fire Fighting Manufacturing Company Limited

This is the detailed information about National Fire Fighting Manufacturing Company Limited, including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.

Location Address: Jebel AliDubai
Activity Description: Manufacturing and Assembling of Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment and Materials, Water Pumps, Fire Engines, Paints, Hoses and Related Spare Parts Trading in Fire Fighting & Safety Equipment and Materials, Water Pumps, Fire Engines, Paints, Hoses and Relate
Contact Name(s): Ahmad Qasim Al Khatib, Khalid Al Khatib
صندوق البريد. P.O: 17014
Phone No: 04-8815653
Fax No: 04-8816229
Country of Origin: Jordan
الموقع: www.naffco.com