أنت هنا

The Kanoo Group

This is the detailed information about The Kanoo Group, including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.

Company name: The Kanoo Group
Location Address: Dubai
Activity Description: Shipping, Clearing & Forwarding, Warehousing, Travel & Tourism, Courier Services, Insurance Services (Excluding Life) and Trading in Chemical Products, Machinery, Spare Parts and Tools & Electrical Appliances
Contact Name(s): Arun D'Souza, Baby Paulo , Mahamed Ghuloom Mansoori
صندوق البريد. P.O: 290
Phone No: 04-8815050/3933633
Fax No: 04-8816095/3933636
Country of Origin: U.A.E.
الموقع: www.kanoogroup.com