شما اینجا هستید

Del-Ani Holdings

This is the detailed information about Del-Ani Holdings, including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.

Company name: Del-Ani Holdings
Location Address: Jebel AliDubai
Activity Description: Trading in Cigarettes (for Export only), Steel Products & Raw Materials, Plastic, Textiles, Tyres and Consumer Goods.
Contact Name(s): Sunil Kumar, Anil Munish Kumar Arjan
صندوق پستی: 17045
Phone No: 04-8836889/3521278
Fax No: 04-8836891/3521201
Country of Origin: India
سایت اینترنتی: www.buysteelonline.com