
Jashanmal National Company (L.L.C.)

This is the detailed information about Jashanmal National Company (L.L.C.), including company name, contact name, p.o.box, location address, telephone, email, fax, website and etc.

Location Address: Dubai
Activity Description: Trading in Perfumes & Cosmetics, Apparels & Fashion Accessories, Footwear & Leather, Appliances, Cameras, Medical & Writing Instruments, Luggage, Food Commodities, Chocolates, Watches & Clocks, Cigarettes and Beverages
Contact Name(s): Gangu Batra, Henry Pinto
邮政信箱: 1545
Phone No: 04-8838134/666633
Fax No: 04-8838137/629597
Country of Origin: U.A.E.